Detoxification, a big-picture view
Gallbladder inflammation, including sludge, stones and bile flow disruption, can cause a cascading effect of toxins in the bloodstream and therefore throughout all of the body’s tissues. Some people’s bodies are more capable of processing certain toxins than others, but everyone has residual toxins of some kind built up in their body. Whether one experiences the side effects of chemicals, molds, funguses, parasites, heavy metals, and/or pharmaceuticals depends upon the efficiency of the bile tree in the liver and the state of the gallbladder’s bile receptivity and flow. If the hepatocytes of the liver are overwhelmed by a myriad of toxins, or if the gallbladder is congested (or completely blocked), the result may be a shunting of unprocessed toxin buildup back into the bloodstream in order to dilute the toxins, save the hepatocytes, and temporarily postpone detoxification. This creates further pollution in the body, so it is absolutely essential that efficient bile flow is restored and maintained. There have always been environmental toxins and endotoxins requiring elimination by the body, but never in history have humans experienced the levels of toxicity currently found inside and outside of our bodies.
Neurological disease epidemic
The worldwide rate of neurological disease in children has doubled since 2012. In the 1950s, one child in 5,000 was diagnosed as being somewhere on the autism spectrum. In 2012, it was one child in 88, and now one in 44 children has obvious neurological degeneration. Some people argue that we are now better at diagnosing autism, ADD, ADHD, and the like. However, one only needs to sit in the presence of a child who is unable to make eye contact or verbally communicate, and who self-soothes by hitting their head against a wall, to recognize that our species is in great jeopardy of biological and fiscal demise. Within the time span of two U.S. presidencies, our nation will be unable to care for a generation of disabled children as well as two generations of the elderly who are dealing with Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis and other neurologically degenerative diseases.
Detoxification strategies
Though our global community faces a bleak picture and a daunting task, we are simultaneously at the cutting edge of discovering methods of recovering our physical and mental health. Scientists are researching ways to restore our body’s natural detox pathways (bile flow) and protective mechanisms such as the microbiome.
The microbiome (part one)
The microbiome is the body’s built-in immune system, sometimes referred to as the “gut microbiome.” Leading authorities no longer recommend probiotics; they say that each individual’s microbiome is so unique that the idea of supplementing it with a prescribed probiotic is now thought to be ludicrous. The latest research demonstrates that the microbiome is comprised of over 4,000 different types of flora (such as bacteria, molds, fungi, parasites, spirochetes, viruses and retroviruses), from which many details can be determined about an individual, including their sex and race, where they live, whether their birth was vaginal or by caesarian section, and if they were breast fed. One’s microbiome changes from one instant to the next, in response to new smells and environments, foods and chemical or environmental exposures. The health of the microbiome is essential for adequate immune response, and it will be a major part of future medical diagnostics as well as the restoration of bile flow and detox pathways. Researchers who study the microbiome are unknowingly reviving the concepts of the TCM “Earth School” in modern medicine. It is a very exciting time in the realm of study about autoimmune diseases, lymph drainage and the lymphatic system, including brain detoxification.
Ketogenesis and autophagy
Researchers are also recognizing our innate capacity to fuel the brain and body primarily through the metabolism of fat (ketogenesis – the old Atkins Diet model, recently revived), restoring the biological flexibility of our hunter/gatherer ancestors in using both glucose and fat as fuel. When we burn fat as fuel, it allows for a process known as autophagy, the body’s innate ability to rid itself of damaged, toxic, or unused cells. Though humans have always been able to metabolize sugar and fat, most modern brains operate on glucose alone. It has been proven that fat is a much cleaner fuel source without the devastating side effects that have grown out of the sole reliance upon glucose, which is insidious in contemporary cuisines and results in untold inflammation and metabolic syndromes.
Parasympathetic pathways
All of the detoxification processes occurring within the human body are part of parasympathetic nervous system pathways. This means when the body is engaged in the “fight or flight” response of the sympathetic nervous system, detoxification will never take priority. The chronic, constant stress level of today’s society, a primary cause of our overactive sympathetic systems, must be addressed before – or at least simultaneously with – any other “downstream” interventions. In this regard, Oriental medicine, including Tai Chi, Qi Gong, meditation, acupuncture and herbal medicine, as well as a plethora of other mental, emotional, spiritual, and integrative medical interventions, will prove to be nothing less than lifesaving.
The microbiome (part two)
Our bodies are throwbacks to the era of hunters and gatherers, but since those times our diet and environment have radically changed. Because of our consumption of animals that are factory raised on GMO corn, steroids, and antibiotics, and also because many people ingest large quantities of sugar, caffeine, drugs or alcohol daily, we have created a world of suffering for ourselves and other beings. We are witnessing an unprecedented rise in autoimmune diseases, diabetes, autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and a host of other man-made calamities. Using the technology developed during the Human Genome Project (2003), scientists have newly discovered the human microbiome and the fact that we are composed of 50-100 trillion organisms that are non-human. These organisms that we host are sometimes working in harmony with us as a healthy microbiome, and thus constitute the majority of our immune system. However, in more recent history this relationship has become less harmonious due to the creation of a pathological biofilm, the overuse of antibiotics, poor diets, toxic chemical and environmental exposures, and a more or less sedentary, feasting lifestyle.
The good news is that we are beginning to understand that we have been missing a very crucial piece of information, recently revealed by “The Microbiome Project.” Our microbiome is heavily influenced by our environment – what is around us. Chronic disease is the interaction between our environment and our genetic triggers; thus, the triggers alone are not a death sentence, and they may never genetically express, but for our choices and environments. Sadly, researchers have found that chronic disease processes begin in utero, as babies’ umbilical cords are loaded with more than two hundred and eighty known toxins, such as BPA (bisphenol A) and glyphosate, which poison our developing children before they even enter the world. This reality is sad and horrifying, and my only intention in sharing it is to awaken you to the real danger. We are not going to wake up in our world and discover all of the remarkable things that we did while we were sleeping; rather, we must awaken and take responsibility for the mess that we have created, and do everything in our power to clean it up immediately. The planet and future generations depend upon our conscious actions. It is absolutely crucial to understand that we control our fate.
We must recover our leaky guts and immune systems by rebuilding our microbiome through cleansing and detoxing our bodies. Very simply, this means that if you choose to eat organic foods, that choice alone will lead you to feel better. Stop compromising! The unhealthy gut microbiome produces bioactive compounds that powerfully influence the central nervous system (CNS), creating unhealthy cravings that are difficult to ignore. Is it YOU who wants another candy bar, pastry and espresso, salted fries or bowl of pasta, or is it the bugs inside of you?
For those of us who are health practitioners, awareness of these phenomena can help us educate and treat our patients. Patients need to fully understand what made them so sick before they will agree to do what they need to do to get well. They must understand that there will be a die-off of “bad” microbes before the healthy new ones can take over, and that detoxing can take time – sometimes more than a year or two. Dietary restrictions have to be spelled out clearly if patients are going to be successful in their healing.
Children who were placed on round after round of antibiotics, seemingly from birth, have immune systems that are totally compromised. These children with hypersensitivities are unable to withstand the world as it is. We see this in their eating habits, health issues and emotional behaviors. I fear for their future, and ours as well. It would be interesting to study what such a child would be like if they were fed a healthy, chemical-free diet and protected from electromagnetic field smog and stray electricity. It is my belief that even autistic children would flourish in such an environment and likely become the prodigies of the future.
Changing to an entirely clean diet may seem utterly overwhelming to families with poor eating habits (80% of Americans). If we propose permanent dietary changes as restrictive as the complete avoidance of all trans fats, sugars, flours, grains, and processed foods of any kind (in other words, inflammatory foods), parents freak out. Instead, it is better to suggest that they start with a short period of time – three months – to restrict their child’s diet. However, they will find that the changes in the child’s physical, mental and emotional health and their unmanageable behaviors will radically change within less than two weeks, after which the dietary restrictions will be viewed as a real godsend and will be easy to maintain.
Parents of young children may have to use bribes (e.g., toys) to introduce healthier eating habits. In the beginning, tantrums and meltdowns are to be expected. It takes three days to break an addiction, so usually within four days, the child is hungry enough and willing to try new foods like leafy greens if they are prepared in a tasty manner. Get some nutritional counseling and get started. Honestly, the health of your child, your family, your community and our earth ALL begin here.
We must take responsibility for what we put into our bodies and understand the dangers of factory farming, including chemicals introduced into the soil, water, air and food that we consume. In the 1960s, people were alarmed by the effects of DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), but now the primary chemical culprit is glyphosate. The chemical breakdown of glyphosate is AMPA (aminomethylphosphonic acid). When testing the environment or the blood for glyphosate poisoning, we must test for both glyphosate and AMPA to understand the seriousness of these and other toxic chemicals, which are now found worldwide, even in the rain.
It is only through grassroots movements that the use of GMOs, harmful chemicals and factory farming will change. It is entirely up to us. Read labels, buy organic, and avoid plastics, and you will be on your way to a healthier future for your family and generations to come. Stop using antibacterial hand sanitizer and get some dirt under your fingernails. Touch the earth and let her touch you. In Chinese medicine, we think about the earth element when it comes to providing nutrients for the whole body and keeping the immune system vital and strong. Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” I would contend that Chinese medicine said this first.
Courses By This Teacher
Master Tung's Magic Points: Advanced Series - Course 1
Diseases & Point Combinations, Part 1
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this advanced course, Susan Johnson discusses various clinical applications of Tung's Points. For those that are new to Tung's Points, you may want to take the Beginning Series beforehand, but it is not absolutely necessary, and not required. Please click the link below for a detailed outline of topics and applications covered in this course.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3vYL48e
Learning Objectives
- Students will learn different ways to identify and treat headaches.
- To provide practitioners with a clear understanding of differential diagnosis and treatment protocols in relation to Tung's Points.
- Students will learn how to identify exact points to treat specific conditions.
- Students will learn various techniques on how to treat dizziness, aneurisms, hemorrhoids, and other conditions.
- To help students understand the energetic ways in which point patterns can be intelligently combined to enhance a treatment.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Advanced Series - Course 2 & 3
Diseases & Point Combinations, Part 2 & 3
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this advanced course, Susan Johnson discusses various clinical applications of Tung's Points. For those that are new to Tung's Points, you may want to take the Beginning Series beforehand, but it is not absolutely necessary, and not required. Please click the link below for a detailed outline of topics and applications covered in this course.
Part 2: For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3deUaXX
Part 3: For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/2T570Bh
Learning Objectives
- Students will learn how to identify exact points to treat specific conditions.
- To help students understand the energetic ways in which point patterns can be intelligently combined to enhance a treatment.
- Students will learn different ways to identify head, facial, and mouth conditions and treat them with specific points.
- To provide practitioners with a clear understanding of differential diagnosis and treatment protocols in relation to Tung's Points.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Advanced Series - Course 4
Diseases & Point Combinations, Part 4
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this advanced course, Susan Johnson discusses various clinical applications of Tung's Points. For those that are new to Tung's Points, you may want to take the Beginning Series beforehand, but it is not absolutely necessary, and not required. Please click the link below for a detailed outline of topics and applications covered in this course.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3ddibyu
Learning Objectives
- To help students understand the energetic ways in which point patterns can be intelligently combined to enhance a treatment.
- To provide practitioners with a clear understanding of differential diagnosis and treatment protocols in relation to Tung's Points.
- Students will learn how to identify exact points to treat specific conditions.
- Students will learn different ways to identify wrist, shoulder, arm, thigh, knee, ankle, foot, and hip pain and conditions, and learn how to treat these problems with specific points.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Advanced Series - Course 5
Diseases & Point Combinations, Part 5
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this advanced course, Susan Johnson discusses various clinical applications of Tung's Points. For those that are new to Tung's Points, you may want to take the Beginning Series beforehand, but it is not absolutely necessary, and not required. Please click the link below for a detailed outline of topics and applications covered in this course.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3qqMF5D
Learning Objectives
- To help students understand the energetic ways in which point patterns can be intelligently combined to enhance a treatment.
- Students will learn how to identify exact points to treat specific conditions.
- Students will learn advanced concepts about specific points such as further information about 88.01-.03 Heart Passing Points, 77.18 Kidney Gate, 11.17 Wood/Anger, 22.06-22.07 Zhong Bai/Xia Bai, 1010.18 Wood Branch, and many others.
- To provide practitioners with a clear understanding of differential diagnosis and treatment protocols in relation to Tung's Points.
- Students will learn different ways to identify and treat various diseases and conditions such as heart disease, chronic issues, rheumatoid arthritis, gallstones, and many others.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Advanced Series - Course 6
Diseases & Point Combinations, Part 6
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this advanced course, Susan Johnson discusses various clinical applications of Tung's Points. For those that are new to Tung's Points, you may want to take the Beginning Series beforehand, but it is not absolutely necessary, and not required. Please click the link below for a detailed outline of topics and applications covered in this course.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3xTpgwk
Learning Objectives
- To provide practitioners with a clear understanding of differential diagnosis and treatment protocols in relation to Tung's Points.
- Students will learn advanced concepts about specific points such as further information about SP4 and PC6 for Crohn’s disease, GB31 and A.01, 88.17-88.19 Four Horses, and the Stomach channel or Four Flower line.
- Students will learn different ways to identify and treat various diseases and conditions such as spleen, stomach, kidney, urinary diseases/conditions, ulcer pain, acid reflux, prostate and bladder infections, and many others.
- Students will learn how to identify exact points to treat specific conditions.
- To help students understand the energetic ways in which point patterns can be intelligently combined to enhance a treatment.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Advanced Series - Course 7
Diseases & Point Combinations, Part 7
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this advanced course, Susan Johnson discusses various clinical applications of Tung's Points. For those that are new to Tung's Points, you may want to take the Beginning Series beforehand, but it is not absolutely necessary, and not required. Please click the link below for a detailed outline of topics and applications covered in this course.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3jeqaPF
Learning Objectives
- Students will learn how to identify exact points to treat specific conditions.
- Students will learn advanced concepts about specific points such as further information about 77.11-77.12 Four Flower Lower and Bowel Intestine, and 11.06 Return to the Nest, etc.
- Students will learn different ways to identify and treat various diseases and conditions such as intestinal diseases/bleeding, hemorrhoids, appendicitis, herpes, impotence, and many more.
- To provide practitioners with a clear understanding of differential diagnosis and treatment protocols in relation to Tung's Points.
- To help students understand the energetic ways in which point patterns can be intelligently combined to enhance a treatment.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Advanced Series - Course 8
Diseases & Point Combinations, Part 8
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this advanced course, Susan Johnson discusses various clinical applications of Tung's Points. For those that are new to Tung's Points, you may want to take the Beginning Series beforehand, but it is not absolutely necessary, and not required. Please click the link below for a detailed outline of topics and applications covered in this course.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3dbcOQu
Learning Objectives
- To help students understand the energetic ways in which point patterns can be intelligently combined to enhance a treatment.
- To provide practitioners with a clear understanding of differential diagnosis and treatment protocols in relation to Tung's Points.
- Students will learn how to identify exact points to treat specific conditions.
- Students will learn advanced concepts about specific points such as further information about 22.03 Upper White (Shang Bai), 77.01-77.02, and Miriam's Ten Needles.
- Students will learn different ways to identify and treat various diseases and conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, high cholesterol, diabetes, epilepsy, blood diseases, teeth grinding, and many more.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 1 - Course 1
Introduction & Magic Square
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, Susan gives an introduction to Master Tung’s points, and teaches the principles of the Magic Square. Some discussion topics include: how to best learn the points, a history of Tung’s acupuncture, and available resources.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3xQAHVt
Learning Objectives
- To offer a detailed description of points from Tung's system of points.
- To give a brief history of Tung's Points in the US.
- To explain the use of the Nine Stars of the Magic Square and how we can use it to help with the selection of points within Tung's Acupuncture system for structural issues and pain.
- To offer how to learn this material, and give an overview of what will be covered and learned in the series.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 1 - Course 2
How the Points Work
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, Susan gives her lecture on How the Points Work. Some discussion topics include: cupping to clear toxins, the Five Theories used in Master Tung’s acupuncture, and deep needling versus shallow needling.
NOTE: This course mentions bleeding methods and the treatment of cancer as part of the historical discussion of Tung’s acupuncture points. Bloodletting and Cancer treatment are not within the scope of practice for California Acupuncture Licensees. Furthermore, bloodletting and/or the treatment of cancer may or may not be included in your scope of practice in your particular jurisdiction. The mention of the historical use of these techniques does not certify the learner to use these points or condone the use of these techniques outside the scope of one’s practice in their jurisdiction.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/2Utnzak
Learning Objectives
- To explain the use of the Nine Stars of the Magic Square and how we can use it to help with the selection of points within Tung's Acupuncture system for structural issues and pain.
- To offer how to learn this material, and give an overview of what will be covered and learned in the series.
- To give a brief history of Tung's Points in the US.
- To offer a detailed description of points from Tung's system of points, and learn more about the system in the 'how the points work' lecture, which will provide an overview of the 5 operative theories involved in the proper use of Tung's Points.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 1 - Course 3
Points 11.01-11.06
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, points 11.01 through 11.06 are covered (including 11.17 and 11.24). Some discussion topics include: an introduction to locating finger points, and finger needling methods.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/2SoINFE
Learning Objectives
- Students will learn how to prioritize treatments, and what specific treatment actions should be used when.
- To offer a detailed description of points from Tung's system of points
- Students will also learn treatment points for a hernia and gynecological issues.
- Students will learn how to identify exact points on the hand, fingers, arms, legs and feet, and how they can be used to treat specific conditions.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 1 - Course 4
Points 11.07-11.15
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, points 11.07 through 11.15 are covered. Some discussion topics include: treating stroke, moxa season, bamboo cupping the spine, and cupping the musculature.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/2SrgAOF
Learning Objectives
- To encourage further study of this remarkable body of work.
- To offer a detailed description of points from Tung's system of points.
- Students will learn how to identify exact points on the hand, fingers, arms, legs and feet, and how they can be used to treat specific conditions.
- Students will also learn various ways to use moxa.
- Students will learn how to treat varicose veins and spine pain among other conditions.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 1 - Course 5
Points 11.16-11.27
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, points 11.16 through 11.27 (excluding 11.17 and 11.24) are covered. Some discussion topics include: active qi moving technique, cupping, Reaction Areas.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3xUl4MW
Learning Objectives
- Students will also learn how to treat hepatitis using specific points, and also treatment of other conditions.
- Students will also learn about needle size and gauge for finger points.
- To offer a detailed description of points from Tung's system of points.
- Students will learn how to identify exact points on the hand, fingers, arms, legs and feet, and how they can be used to treat specific conditions.
- To encourage further study of this remarkable body of work.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 1 - Course 6
Points 22.01-22.07
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, points 22.01 through 22.07 are covered (including A.05 and A.06). Some discussion topics include: diagnosing uterine fibroids, Zero Balancing and polarity lines with magnets, frequent ankle sprains and hip disease, choices in the treatment of sciatica.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3h6afjL
Learning Objectives
- Students will also learn about zero balancing and the use of magnets.
- To offer a detailed description of points from Tung's system of points.
- To encourage further study of this remarkable body of work.
- Students will learn how to identify exact points on the hand, fingers, arms, legs, and feet and how they can be used to treat specific conditions.
- Students will also learn what treatments are forbidden in pregnancy, treatments for frequent ankle sprains and disease, and many more.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 1 - Course 7
Points 22.08-22.11
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, points 22.08 through 22.11 are covered (including Miriam Lee’s Ten Needles, Tonification and Sedation, and A.04 San Cha III). Some discussion topics include:, Miriam’s Tune-up, sciatica treatment, and Dr. Young’s bone spur treatment.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/35Qes5Z
Learning Objectives
- To offer a detailed description of points from Tung's system of points.
- To encourage further study of this remarkable body of work.
- Students will learn from a lecture on 'The Transporting Points,' followed by a description of Dr. Miriam Lee's famous 10 Needles.
- Students will also learn about Jing-Well, Ying-Spring, Shu-Stream, and many more points.
- Students will learn how to identify exact points on the hand, fingers, arms, legs and feet, and how they can be used to treat specific conditions.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 1 - Course 8
Points 33.01-33.11
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, points 33.01 through 33.11 are covered. Some discussion topics include: moxa season, how to prevent a wind chill from going deeper, treating herpes and shingles (including herpes in the eye).
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3ddWm22
Learning Objectives
- Students will also learn about moxa and moxa oil to treat urinary incontinence, as well as treatments for other conditions.
- To encourage further study of this remarkable body of work.
- To offer a detailed description of points from Tung's system of points.
- Students will learn how to identify exact points on the hand, fingers, arms, legs and feet, and how they can be used to treat specific conditions.
- Students will also learn about certain points patients can hold to alleviate certain symptoms for certain conditions.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 2 - Course 1
Points 33.12-44.17
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, points 33.12 through 44.17 are covered. Some discussion topics include: guiding points, positioning for needling, and needle gauges, Heaven – Earth – Man in that order, treating knee pain and frozen shoulder, info on LU5.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3jbkvtI
Learning Objectives
- To offer a detailed description of the points and point patterns from Tung's system of points, starting with those found on the feet and legs, and how they can be used to treat specific conditions.
- Students will also learn various ways to use guiding points, position the patient, and much more.
- To continue the study of Tung's Points system.
- To encourage the further study of this remarkable body of work.
- To make sure students are taking in the information offered in a way that will allow for the immediate use of the points described.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 2 - Course 2
Points 55.01-55.02
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, points 55.01 and 55.02 are covered. Some discussion topics include: how to combine points, heart disease: excess, deficiency and emergency, treating interstitial cystitis, pemphigoid, and all eye diseases.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3h3MHw6
Learning Objectives
- To encourage the further study of this remarkable body of work.
- To offer a detailed description of the points and point patterns from Tung's system of points, starting with those found on the feet and legs, and how they can be used to treat specific conditions.
- To make sure students are taking in the information offered in a way that will allow for the immediate use of the points described.
- To continue the study of Tung's Points system.
- Students will also learn various treatments in regards to treating wet glaucoma, macular degeneration, and much more.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 2 - Course 3
Points 55.03-66.05
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, points 55.03 through 66.05 are covered (including Ren12 and PC6). Some discussion topics include: cupping the sacrum, treating brain tumor, thumb pain, vaginal pain, stomach ulcer, deep needling on CV12 and cupping the jaw.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3wZXVbQ
Learning Objectives
- To offer a detailed description of the points and point patterns from Tung's system of points, starting with those found on the feet and legs, and how they can be used to treat specific conditions.
- To continue the study of Tung's Points system.
- Students will also learn about 55.03 Flower Bone Two; 55.04-55.05 Flower Bone Three and Four, and much more.
- To encourage the further study of this remarkable body of work.
- To make sure students are taking in the information offered in a way that will allow for the immediate use of the points described.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 2 - Course 4
Points 66.06-66.11
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, points 66.06 through 66.11 are covered (including continued dialog on 66.05). Some discussion topics include: pediatric treatment, bone spurs and stenosis, keeping your treatments simple, more on St 43 Golden Gate, trigeminal neuralgia, Scheffler root, avalanche uterine info, curving the needle on SP4, and floaters.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3deVGJD
Learning Objectives
- To continue the study of Tung's Points system.
- To make sure students are taking in the information offered in a way that will allow for the immediate use of the points described.
- Students will also learn various ways to help patients express themselves safely, how to keep treatments simple, and so much more.
- To offer a detailed description of the points and point patterns from Tung's system of points, starting with those found on the feet and legs, and how they can be used to treat specific conditions.
- To encourage the further study of this remarkable body of work.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 2 - Course 5
Points 66.12-66.14
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, points 66.12 through 66.14 are covered (including additional, important commentary on 66.11). Some discussion topics include: paralytic colon after anesthesia, cholesterol, drooling caused by brain injury, thyroid treatment, Hakomi, head noise, pre-eclampsia and pregnancy treatment, taking statin drugs.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3wUJZQ8
Learning Objectives
- Students will also learn about thyroid treatments, and also various pregnancy treatments using Miriam's Ten Needles, and much more.
- To offer a detailed description of the points and point patterns from Tung's system of points, starting with those found on the feet and legs, and how they can be used to treat specific conditions.
- To encourage the further study of this remarkable body of work.
- To continue the study of Tung's Points system.
- To make sure students are taking in the information offered in a way that will allow for the immediate use of the points described.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 2 - Course 6
Points 77.01-77.07
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, points 77.01 through 77.07 are covered. Some discussion topics include: plantar fasciitis, positioning the patient for neck cupping, treating severe neck injuries, arterial occlusion in the neck, UB40 for hemorrhoids, amazing versatility of 77.05-77.07 Three Weights for brain, facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia and hip pain.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3h6jrow
Learning Objectives
- To make sure students are taking in the information offered in a way that will allow for the immediate use of the points described.
- To continue the study of Tung's Points system.
- To offer a detailed description of the points and point patterns from Tung's system of points, starting with those found on the feet and legs, and how they can be used to treat specific conditions.
- Students will also learn about Three Weights for various diseases, and get an introduction to cupping, and much more.
- To encourage the further study of this remarkable body of work.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 2 - Course 7
Points 77.08-77.16
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, points 77.08 through 77.16 are covered. Some discussion topics include: Using the Four Flower Line (stomach channel) for treatment of frontal headache, real angina, glaucoma with Crohn’s Disease, 77.15-77.16 Two Lips for herpes and treating herpes in the eye.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3hkH6BR
Learning Objectives
- To continue the study of Tung's Points system.
- To encourage the further study of this remarkable body of work.
- To offer a detailed description of the points and point patterns from Tung's system of points, starting with those found on the feet and legs, and how they can be used to treat specific conditions.
- Students will also learn about locating various Four Flower points and treatments they can help with, 77.15-77.16 Two Lips, and much more.
- To make sure students are taking in the information offered in a way that will allow for the immediate use of the points described.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 3 - Course 1
Points 77.17-77.25
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, points 77.17 through 77.25 are covered. Some discussion topics include: the importance of supervision and point selection, treatment plans, “when Master Tung’s points don’t work,” and how to rebuild Qi with moxa, tonification after using wind herbs, cervical dystonia, torticollis, hypertension, hypotension, treatment after stroke, shoulder pain and gestational hyperthyroid and the Gallbladder is the Sea of Marrow.
NOTE: This course mentions bleeding techniques and the treatment of cancer as part of the historical discussion of Tung’s acupuncture points. Bloodletting and Cancer treatment are not within the scope of practice for California Acupuncture Licensees. Furthermore, bloodletting nd/or the treatment of cancer may or may not be included in your scope of practice in your particular jurisdiction. The mention of the historical use of these techniques does not certify the learner to use these points or condone the use of these techniques outside the scope of one’s practice in their jurisdiction.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3qpTg05
Learning Objectives
- To encourage the further study of this remarkable body of work.
- To continue the study of Tung's Points system.
- To make sure students are taking in the information offered in a way that will allow for the immediate use of the points described.
- To offer a detailed and in-depth description of points and point patterns from Tung's system of points, starting with those found on the thighs.
- Students will also learn about ankle pain's relationship to hip issues, 77.18-77.21 Three Emperors, 77.22-77.23 Beside Three Miles Upper/Lower, and much more.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 3 - Course 2
Points 77.26-88.06
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, points 77.26 through 88.06 are covered (including Three Plum Blossom). Some discussion topics include: benign and malignant tumors, supporting chemotherapy and radiation, rheumatoid arthritis, use fewer points when treating weak, elderly or pregnant patients, habitual miscarriage and stabilizing pregnancy, and the treatment of all types of female reproductive concerns.
NOTE: This course mentions bleeding techniques and the treatment of cancer as part of the historical discussion of Tung’s acupuncture points. Bloodletting and Cancer treatment are not within the scope of practice for California Acupuncture Licensees. Furthermore, bloodletting nd/or the treatment of cancer may or may not be included in your scope of practice in your particular jurisdiction. The mention of the historical use of these techniques does not certify the learner to use these points or condone the use of these techniques outside the scope of one’s practice in their jurisdiction.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3wYIG2F
Learning Objectives
- Students will also learn about treating lymphoma, stabilizing pregnancy, 88.04-88.06 Three Sisters for treating various conditions, and much more.
- To offer a detailed and in-depth description of points and point patterns from Tung's system of points, starting with those found on the thighs.
- To encourage the further study of this remarkable body of work.
- To continue the study of Tung's Points system.
- To make sure students are taking in the information offered in a way that will allow for the immediate use of the points described.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 3 - Course 3
Points 88.07-88.16
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, points 88.07 through 88.16 are covered. Some discussion topics include: Infertility: male or female, the Epley Maneuver for vertigo, PKD Polycystic Kidney and Liver Disease, hepatitis, cirrhosis, Parkinson’s and Meniere’s Disease, cholecystitis and saving the gallbladder.
NOTE: This course mentions bleeding techniques and the treatment of cancer as part of the historical discussion of Tung’s acupuncture points. Bloodletting and Cancer treatment are not within the scope of practice for California Acupuncture Licensees. Furthermore, bloodletting nd/or the treatment of cancer may or may not be included in your scope of practice in your particular jurisdiction. The mention of the historical use of these techniques does not certify the learner to use these points or condone the use of these techniques outside the scope of one’s practice in their jurisdiction.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3h6ba3H
Learning Objectives
- To encourage the further study of this remarkable body of work.
- To continue the study of Tung's Points system.
- Students will also learn about 88.04-88.06 Three Sisters for infertility, 88.09-88.11 Passing Kidney Points, 88.12-88.14 Three Yellows, 88:15-88.16 Gallbladder Points for treating specific conditions, and much more.
- To make sure students are taking in the information offered in a way that will allow for the immediate use of the points described.
- To offer a detailed and in-depth description of points and point patterns from Tung's system of points, starting with those found on the thighs.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 3 - Course 4
Points 88.17-88.32
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, points 88.17 through 88.32 are covered. Some discussion topics include: Polycystic ovarian disease, IVF patients, how to completely avoid getting sick, Four Horses are in the Top Five point patterns, psoriasis, allergies, autoimmune, asthma, cupping the navel for patients with hives and GB31/GB32 for stroke.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3zX1hxU
Learning Objectives
- To make sure students are taking in the information offered in a way that will allow for the immediate use of the points described.
- To offer a detailed and in-depth description of points and point patterns from Tung's system of points, starting with those found on the thighs.
- To continue the study of Tung's Points system.
- To encourage the further study of this remarkable body of work.
- Students will also learn about 88.17-88.19 Four Horses and how to needle when treating skin conditions, 88.25 Center Nine Miles (GB31), A.01 Seven Miles (GB32) and much more.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 3 - Course 5
Discussion & Ling Shu 5
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, Ling Shu 5 is covered, as the last but most important piece of theory in using Tung’s points, with the majority of the time being spent on questions and discussions. Some other discussion topics include: continuation on Four Horses, how practitioners can conserve their own Qi, safe points to use during pregnancy and infertility in young women.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/2SWXXCB
Learning Objectives
- Students will also learn about points that are safe to use during pregnancy and points for patients trying to conceive; detailed information about Ling Shu 5, and much more.
- To continue the study of Tung's Points system.
- To offer a detailed and in-depth description of points and point patterns from Tung's system of points, starting with those found on the thighs.
- To make sure students are taking in the information offered in a way that will allow for the immediate use of the points described.
- To encourage the further study of this remarkable body of work.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 3 - Course 6
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, points 99.01 through 1010.07 are covered (including Prefrontal Scalp Points). Some discussion topics include: a brief introduction to ear acupuncture and techniques used on the ear apex, Hakomi: trauma and the brain, scalp acupuncture for insomnia, anxiety and depression, 1010.07 All Pivot for nausea and vomiting, gestational hyperemesis.
NOTE: This course mentions bleeding techniques and the treatment of cancer as part of the historical discussion of Tung’s acupuncture points. Bloodletting and Cancer treatment are not within the scope of practice for California Acupuncture Licensees. Furthermore, bloodletting and/or the treatment of cancer may or may not be included in your scope of practice in your particular jurisdiction. The mention of the historical use of these techniques does not certify the learner to use these points or condone the use of these techniques outside the scope of one’s practice in their jurisdiction.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/35OIzej
Learning Objectives
- To make sure students are taking in the information offered in a way that will allow for the immediate use of the points described.
- Students will also learn about ear acupuncture and various points that go with those protocols, Hakomi, Prefrontal scalp points, and much more.
- To offer a detailed and in-depth description of points and point patterns from Tung's system of points, starting with those found on the thighs.
- To encourage the further study of this remarkable body of work.
- To continue the study of Tung's Points system.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 3 - Course 7
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, points 1010.08 through 1010.25 are covered. Some discussion topics include: Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), bladder spasm and interstitial cystitis, the ONLY way to painlessly needle LI20 and clear the sinus in ten minutes or less, cholecystitis, any kind of cough, asthma, lower back pain, sciatica and exhaustion.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/3vWg2hs
Learning Objectives
- To offer a detailed and in-depth description of points and point patterns from Tung's system of points, starting with those found on the thighs.
- Students will also learn about KHT palm points for bladder spasm, Dr. Miriam Lee's strategies for treating back pain, and 1010.25 State Water, and much more.
- To make sure students are taking in the information offered in a way that will allow for the immediate use of the points described.
- To continue the study of Tung's Points system.
- To encourage the further study of this remarkable body of work.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Beginning Series 3 - Course 8
DT.01 through DT.17 + VT.01
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this part, points DT.01 through DT.17, and VT.01 are covered (including instruction and videos on Moxa Season and using moxa pots). DT10 is skipped in the lecture, but is included in the notesdownload. Some discussion topics include: Cleaning the Toxin Points, treating scleroderma, Five Mountain Range for severe hypertension or high fever, cupping the navel for hives, Three Gold for degenerative knees, DT08/09 for stubborn sciatica and bleeding the sacrum for extreme wind (convulsions).
NOTE: This course mentions bleeding techniques and the treatment of cancer as part of the historical discussion of Tung’s acupuncture points. Bloodletting and Cancer treatment are not within the scope of practice for California Acupuncture Licensees. Furthermore, bloodletting nd/or the treatment of cancer may or may not be included in your scope of practice in your particular jurisdiction. The mention of the historical use of these techniques does not certify the learner to use these points or condone the use of these techniques outside the scope of one’s practice in their jurisdiction.
For a detailed table of contents, visit this link: https://bit.ly/35T0RLa
Learning Objectives
- To make sure students are taking in the information offered in a way that will allow for the immediate use of the points described.
- To offer the most important piece of operative theory, related to the Nei Jing and considered to be the I-Ching aspect of Tung's Acupuncture.
- To continue the study of Tung's Points system.
- To offer a detailed and in-depth description of points and point patterns from Tung's system of points, starting with those found on the thighs.
- Students will also learn about Moxa Pots, cupping for various conditions, DT points and much more.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Point Location and Needling Guidelines Series - Course 1
Finger Points
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this webinar you will learn how to find the exact point location, first through the body’s landmarks and then through concise palpation. The best points, faultlessly needled, should have a tangible effect within moments of their application. This is what you will learn to expect from properly needling Tung’s points. Susan will help you to recognize what might be an incorrect needling of Master Tung’s Points and give you the understanding you need to perfect your point location and needling techniques.
As students often make the same kinds of mistakes in needling, watching Susan’s corrections to a wide variety of practitioners’ point location of each point pattern, can be enormously helpful. These Supervision webinars are invaluable in assuring that every point is flawlessly applied and perfected.
Whether you have been practicing for decades or perhaps only months, you will benefit from Susan’s careful guidance and personal attention to detail, as she critiques the needling experience of her students, on different body shapes and sizes.
Learning Objectives
- Demonstrate the most effective positioning of both the patient and also of the practitioner, in order to best needle different points and patterns.
- Learn the accurate needling of more than forty different point patterns of Master Tung’s Magic Points.
- Learn how to accurately find the most commonly used points in Tung’s Acupuncture System.
- Practice how to palpate the body to ‘feel’ for the acupuncture points, once the location is determined.
- Identify points and point patterns on differing shapes, lengths and sizes of bodies.
- Explain the difference that needle diameter can make.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Point Location and Needling Guidelines Series - Course 2
Hand/Arm Points
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this webinar you will learn how to find the exact point location, first through the body’s landmarks and then through concise palpation. The best points, faultlessly needled, should have a tangible effect within moments of their application. This is what you will learn to expect from properly needling Tung’s points. Susan will help you to recognize what might be an incorrect needling of Master Tung’s Points and give you the understanding you need to perfect your point location and needling techniques.
As students often make the same kinds of mistakes in needling, watching Susan’s corrections to a wide variety of practitioners’ point location of each point pattern, can be enormously helpful. These Supervision webinars are invaluable in assuring that every point is flawlessly applied and perfected.
Whether you have been practicing for decades or perhaps only months, you will benefit from Susan’s careful guidance and personal attention to detail, as she critiques the needling experience of her students, on different body shapes and sizes.
Learning Objectives
- Practice how to palpate the body to ‘feel’ for the acupuncture points, once the location is determined.
- Learn how to accurately find the most commonly used points in Tung’s Acupuncture System.
- Learn the accurate needling of more than forty different point patterns of Master Tung’s Magic Points.
- Identify points and point patterns on differing shapes, lengths and sizes of bodies.
- Explain the difference that needle diameter can make.
- Demonstrate the most effective positioning of both the patient and also of the practitioner, in order to best needle different points and patterns.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Point Location and Needling Guidelines Series - Course 3
Sole of the Foot Points
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this webinar you will learn how to find the exact point location, first through the body’s landmarks and then through concise palpation. The best points, faultlessly needled, should have a tangible effect within moments of their application. This is what you will learn to expect from properly needling Tung’s points. Susan will help you to recognize what might be an incorrect needling of Master Tung’s Points and give you the understanding you need to perfect your point location and needling techniques.
As students often make the same kinds of mistakes in needling, watching Susan’s corrections to a wide variety of practitioners’ point location of each point pattern, can be enormously helpful. These Supervision webinars are invaluable in assuring that every point is flawlessly applied and perfected.
Whether you have been practicing for decades or perhaps only months, you will benefit from Susan’s careful guidance and personal attention to detail, as she critiques the needling experience of her students, on different body shapes and sizes.
Learning Objectives
- Practice how to palpate the body to ‘feel’ for the acupuncture points, once the location is determined.
- Identify points and point patterns on differing shapes, lengths and sizes of bodies.
- Learn how to accurately find the most commonly used points in Tung’s Acupuncture System.
- Learn the accurate needling of more than forty different point patterns of Master Tung’s Magic Points.
- Demonstrate the most effective positioning of both the patient and also of the practitioner, in order to best needle different points and patterns.
- Explain the difference that needle diameter can make.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Point Location and Needling Guidelines Series - Course 4
Foot/Lower Leg, Pt. 1
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this webinar you will learn how to find the exact point location, first through the body’s landmarks and then through concise palpation. The best points, faultlessly needled, should have a tangible effect within moments of their application. This is what you will learn to expect from properly needling Tung’s points. Susan will help you to recognize what might be an incorrect needling of Master Tung’s Points and give you the understanding you need to perfect your point location and needling techniques.
As students often make the same kinds of mistakes in needling, watching Susan’s corrections to a wide variety of practitioners’ point location of each point pattern, can be enormously helpful. These Supervision webinars are invaluable in assuring that every point is flawlessly applied and perfected.
Whether you have been practicing for decades or perhaps only months, you will benefit from Susan’s careful guidance and personal attention to detail, as she critiques the needling experience of her students, on different body shapes and sizes.
Learning Objectives
- Identify points and point patterns on differing shapes, lengths and sizes of bodies.
- Explain the difference that needle diameter can make.
- Learn the accurate needling of more than forty different point patterns of Master Tung’s Magic Points.
- Learn how to accurately find the most commonly used points in Tung’s Acupuncture System.
- Demonstrate the most effective positioning of both the patient and also of the practitioner, in order to best needle different points and patterns.
- Practice how to palpate the body to ‘feel’ for the acupuncture points, once the location is determined.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Point Location and Needling Guidelines Series - Course 5
Foot/Lower Leg, Pt. 2
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this webinar you will learn how to find the exact point location, first through the body’s landmarks and then through concise palpation. The best points, faultlessly needled, should have a tangible effect within moments of their application. This is what you will learn to expect from properly needling Tung’s points. Susan will help you to recognize what might be an incorrect needling of Master Tung’s Points and give you the understanding you need to perfect your point location and needling techniques.
As students often make the same kinds of mistakes in needling, watching Susan’s corrections to a wide variety of practitioners’ point location of each point pattern, can be enormously helpful. These Supervision webinars are invaluable in assuring that every point is flawlessly applied and perfected.
Whether you have been practicing for decades or perhaps only months, you will benefit from Susan’s careful guidance and personal attention to detail, as she critiques the needling experience of her students, on different body shapes and sizes.
Learning Objectives
- Explain the difference that needle diameter can make.
- Identify points and point patterns on differing shapes, lengths and sizes of bodies.
- Demonstrate the most effective positioning of both the patient and also of the practitioner, in order to best needle different points and patterns.
- Learn the accurate needling of more than forty different point patterns of Master Tung’s Magic Points.
- Practice how to palpate the body to ‘feel’ for the acupuncture points, once the location is determined.
- Learn how to accurately find the most commonly used points in Tung’s Acupuncture System.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Master Tung's Magic Points: Point Location and Needling Guidelines Series - Course 6
Thigh & Face Points
with Susan Johnson
See In StoreOverview
In this webinar you will learn how to find the exact point location, first through the body’s landmarks and then through concise palpation. The best points, faultlessly needled, should have a tangible effect within moments of their application. This is what you will learn to expect from properly needling Tung’s points. Susan will help you to recognize what might be an incorrect needling of Master Tung’s Points and give you the understanding you need to perfect your point location and needling techniques.
As students often make the same kinds of mistakes in needling, watching Susan’s corrections to a wide variety of practitioners’ point location of each point pattern, can be enormously helpful. These Supervision webinars are invaluable in assuring that every point is flawlessly applied and perfected.
Whether you have been practicing for decades or perhaps only months, you will benefit from Susan’s careful guidance and personal attention to detail, as she critiques the needling experience of her students, on different body shapes and sizes.
Learning Objectives
- Explain the difference that needle diameter can make.
- Identify points and point patterns on differing shapes, lengths and sizes of bodies.
- Learn how to accurately find the most commonly used points in Tung’s Acupuncture System.
- Practice how to palpate the body to ‘feel’ for the acupuncture points, once the location is determined.
- Demonstrate the most effective positioning of both the patient and also of the practitioner, in order to best needle different points and patterns.
- Learn the accurate needling of more than forty different point patterns of Master Tung’s Magic Points.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
Moxa Season and the Ming Men
with Susan Johnson
Moxa is an excellent way to deeply warm the body, more important now, as we head into winter. In fact, between the change of seasons, there is a two week period which Susan's Teacher, Dr. Ta, refers to as “Moxa Season.”
Do you know about the Moxa Seasons? Every year there are several two-week windows based on the lunar calendar, where the Ming Men (the Gateway to the Kidney) is wide open.
Because of this, every moxa treatment has a more than double effect on the constitution, however, getting sick during moxa season can cause one to be very ill, causing severe repercussions throughout the entire year.
Learn more about how to use moxa heat packs to warm the body during Moxa Season, with Susan Johnson, L.Ac. May you discover the remarkable healing properties of moxa, and the beauty of this very special period of time.
Learning Objectives
- Learn about Moxa Season.
- Learn about accurate placement of moxa for optimal results during Moxa Season.
- Understand the best times to use moxa.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
The Ancient Art of Bleeding is a cross-cultural modality used from time immemorial, in ancient Egypt, India, the Middle East and throughout all of Asia. In Chinese medicine, bleeding is commonly referred to as: pricking bleeding, micro-puncture, triangular needling or simply, blood-letting. This series of webinars are designed to explore: the origins of blood-letting; different styles and forms of bleeding; sterile methodology and safety concerns; and to provide instruction on a wide variety of points that are bled for common ailments.
Learning Objectives
- Recite eight reasons not to bleed
- List four different methods of bleeding
- List seven primary functions attributed to blood-letting
- Demonstrate proper sterile technique
- Describe a brief history of blood-letting
- Describe five different implements of bleeding
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
This course is devoted to the advanced technique of Cupping. A lecture on the The Ancient Art of Cupping will be presented, and will cover all the different styles of suction technique, as well as Gua Sha. Susan will discuss at length what the color on the skin actually means and how and why toxins build up in the muscles and/or joints. Safety concerns will be addressed, as well as how to inform the patient about aftercare and what to expect from their cupping treatment. There will be recorded demonstrations of cupping patterns, with detailed explanations. Recorded Q&A and case histories about the various techniques that are presented are also included.
Learning Objectives
- To provide an understanding of the various types of cupping techniques, and how and when they can be applied to different clinical situations.
- To provide practitioners with a well-rounded scope of practice, including advanced cupping techniques.
- To ensure that students are aware of when cupping is best used and also when and why it might be avoided.
- To help students understand the energetic ways in which point patterns can be intelligently combined with cupping, to enhance a treatment.
- To ensure students understand, and learn what they need to know to provide excellent health care for their patients in a safe, sterile, sensitive, and effective way.
Your Teacher
Susan Johnson
A graduate of the ACTCM, Susan Johnson, L.Ac., has been practicing TCM for over 30 years. She studied extensively with Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh, and teaches Tung's Points internationally.
All of the points and point patterns discussed in this course are considered 'heavy-hitters' by Susan. We have been given many extraordinary points from Master Tung's work, all of which can yield immediate and lasting results, but some of them Susan finds herself using all day, every day. What makes a point or one pattern a 'heavy-hitter' is its clinical usefulness. Practitioners attending this recording will be able to return to their clinics with lots of new ideas for immediate implementation. This course will give any practitioner a very good overview of the entire Master Tung’s system, lots of new points to add to his/her repertoire, and is an excellent choice as well, for those who already have some familiarity with Tung's Points.
NOTE: This course mentions bleeding techniques and the treatment of cancer as part of the historical disc