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Gall Bladder Points

Diseases and Disorders

Gallbladder points and the head, neck and shoulders: 

In Tung’s body of work, many points found between the Stomach and Gallbladder channels are loosely classified as “Gallbladder channel points.” All of them have a powerful effect on the head, neck, face, jaw and five senses. Therefore, it is important to determine the root cause of the pathology before choosing from the following points: 77.05-77.07 Three Weights, 77.22-77.23 Beside Three Miles, 77.24-77.25 Leg Five/One Thousand Gold, 77.27 Outer Three Gates, 88.17-88.19 Four Horses (with or without 88.25 Center Nine Miles [GB31]). All Gallbladder points deal with joints, tendons and wind, especially Beside Three Miles, but it is also helpful to think of bone and bone marrow as related to Shao Yang (blood and Sea of Marrow). All of these points can affect the Gallbladder channel on the head and neck, so when treating head and neck problems, it is important to determine the root cause of the pathology and to ascertain what else might be going on in the body that best relates to your choice of points from the above list. The following examples illustrate my meaning:

77.05-77.07 Three Weights (Tung’s GB39):

Because they fall between the Yang Ming (ST) and Shao Yang (GB) channels, Three Weights points are especially effective in disorders related to wind and phlegm, such as brain injuries or psychosis. But also, due to the relationship with GB39, they treat bone marrow and blood diseases. This idea is additionally supported by the fact that Three Weights points have the Reaction Area of Spleen, because according to TCM, the Spleen controls the blood. So, when Three Weights are used to treat head, neck and shoulder problems, they are most effective when the patient also has some kind of blood disease, a local circulatory issue such as a stroke or vascular occlusion, or any other kind of wind and phlegm disorder.

77.22-77.23 Beside Three Miles (Tung’s GB34):

Beside Three Miles points are most frequently used in the treatment of head, neck, shoulder and arm musculoskeletal issues because they are Tung’s version of TCM’s Sea of Sinews, and thus have a powerful effect on tendons and ligaments. Additionally, they are used for otitis media and headaches because of the correspondence between the Hand and Foot Shao Yang (SJ/GB) and the way this connects to the special relationship between the Hand Shao Yang (SJ) and Foot Shao Yin (KD).

77.24-77.25 Leg Five/One Thousand Gold:

These points have the Reaction Areas of Lung and Thyroid and are particularly useful for any kind of throat problem. They are included in the frozen shoulder protocol because of their relationship to the Lungs, which governs the ability to move the shoulder forward and back (done by moving the arm behind the back, as if hooking a bra). 

77.27 Outer Three Gates:

These points are primarily used to treat cancer anywhere in the body and would not be chosen for treatment of the head and neck unless there were also a cancer-related condition.

88.17-88.19 Four Horses:

Because these points have the Reaction Areas of Lung and Liver, with a strong influence on the immune system and five senses, if I am using Four Horses to specifically treat the upper back, shoulder, neck or head, it is because the patient also has some kind of immune disorder that might involve the Lung, Liver or skin. For example, chest or rib pain related to pleurisy, emphysema, lung cancer, or even pneumonia usually responds well to Four Horses needled on the side opposite the indications.

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