Case Report – Treatment of Tourette Syndrome with PNST (Prickling Neuro-Stimulation Technique) and Acupuncture
Tourette syndrome is a disorder that involves sudden repetitive movements (motor tics) or unwanted sounds (vocal tics) that can not be easily controlled. For example, repeated blinking of eyes, shrugging of shoulders, blurting out unusual sounds or offensive words . These may significantly interfere with communication, daily functioning and quality of life. Tics typically show up between ages 2 and 15, more in males than females. The exact cause of T S is not known. It is likely caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Neurotrasmitters, including dopamine and serotonin, might play a role.
There is no specific test that can diagnose TS. Blood tests and MRI imaging of brain may be normal. There is no cure for Tourette syndrome. However, neuroleptic medications to help control tics may be added (meds which block or lessen dopamine, botox injections, ADHD meds, central adrenergic inhibitors, antidepressants, anti seizure). Other therapies, like cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), psychotherapy and deep brain stimulation have also been tried.
Case Study
In September 2021, a 13 year old male child visited our clinic, complaining of vocal tics ( repeated grunting, tongue clicking) and motor tics (blinking and rolling of eyes, grimacing, shoulder shrugging, head and limb jerking, sticking out of the tongue), since last 3 years. He also developed epilepsy 1 month back. He was also a hyperactive child.
According to the neurologist, he was a classic case of Tourette syndrome. He was prescribed western medicines to control tics and seizures, but the parents refused. They tried homeopathy to control them but that did not help.
At our clinic, treatment was started with basic PNST protocol on head, face and Jing-well points; followed by traditional classical acupuncture for liver wind due to hyperactive liver yang.
Treatment Plan
1. PNST- Basic PNST protocol on side, Top and back of head, face and jing-well pints of hands.
Basic PNST treatment – Side of Head
Basic PNST Treatment - Top of Head
Basic PNST Treatment - Back of Head
Basic PNST Treatment - Face
Jing Well Points
2. Body acupuncture- DU.20, Yintang, Liv.14, Ren.12, Ren.4, LI.4, HT.7, Pc.6, TW.5, LI.11, ST36, SP.6, LIv.3
3. Acupuncture points added according to symptoms:-
(a) Vocal tics:- Ren.23, extra point 0.5 cun lateral to Ren.23, St.9, ST.10
(b) Head jerks- GB.20, TW.16, SI.16
(c) Facial tics:- ST.5, ST.6, ST.7
(d) Eye blinking- UB.2, Taiyang
(e) Ear points- Pen laser was used on ear shenmen, sympathetic, kidney and liver
Treatment Frequency:
His treatment was started daily for 4 weeks and as his symptoms improved, it was reduced to thrice a week and then gradually reduced to twice a week. The treatment continued for a year. Now that all the symptoms have subsided, the frequency of treatment is reduced to once a week and will gradually be stopped.
This case is noteworthy as we do not have any treatment for Tourette Syndrome in any system of medicine. It is the first case of TS, that I have treated in my life. I chose to start with PNST as the mode of therapy, as the symptoms indicated a lot of imbalance in the autonomic nervous system. Basic PNST helps in balancing ANS. Rest of the classical acupuncture points helped in controlling tics and seizures.
Before treatment his tics were the main problem. They were severe and noticeable socially. He was very self conscious about them. They would get in his way to move around, to talk or to lead a normal life, physically or socially. After treatment, he is leading a normal tic free life, much calmer, focuses well on school work and interact with others. A systematic review and meta-analysis conducted in 2016 regarding the effects of Acupuncture on TS patients concluded that acupuncture does reduce the tic severity in TS and is more efficacious than Haloperidol. This correlates with our results.
Other Courses By This Teacher
Learning The Use Of Soft Lasers In Clinical Acupuncture
Lasers In Clinical Acupuncture
with Raman Kapur
This course makes you understand the concept of a Laser light, power output, pulsed lasers, indications for laser therapy, deciding the optimum dosage for treatment, understanding treatment protocols, concept of Nogier frequencies and their use in clinical practice.
Learning Objectives
- Understanding laser therapy, beam types, laser power, output and dosages in therapy.
- Learning the method of calculate the total dosage for therapy for a session of therapy
- Learning treatment of painful musculoskeletal conditions with laser.
Your Teacher
Raman Kapur
Dr Raman Kapur, MD medicine, Dipl. Acu. Beijing university, founder of Kapur Acupuncture Clinic and Institute of Acupuncture and Natural Medicine in New Delhi, is an internationally recognized Acupuncture practitioner, specializing in Pain management and Emotional health issues since 1982.
In this webinar we are going to make the practitioner understand the type of soft lasers effective in treatment in Acupuncture practice. We will also understand the power of a laser beam in Joules and how much energy is required to get adequate response. We will also understand the biological effects of laser light.
Thereafter, we will cover the list of conditions in which Laser Acupuncture has shown promising results. We will also share scientific studies confirming the efficacy of laser in practice. We will also understand the comparison between use of continuous and pulsed lasers. Thereafter, we will also cover the contraindications to laser therapy.
Learning Objectives
- To be able to understand the characteristics of laser light.
- To be able to use soft lasers in the practice of Acupuncture and particularly useful for needle apprehensive patients.
- To be able to learn different types of lasers, their wavelength and their output.
Your Teacher
Raman Kapur
Dr Raman Kapur, MD medicine, Dipl. Acu. Beijing university, founder of Kapur Acupuncture Clinic and Institute of Acupuncture and Natural Medicine in New Delhi, is an internationally recognized Acupuncture practitioner, specializing in Pain management and Emotional health issues since 1982.
In this webinar which is a continuation of what we learnt in the part 1 of this series, we understand how much the laser light penetrates the tissue. Thereafter, we understand the methodology of treatment with laser. We learn the method of treatment of painful skeleto-muscular conditions with treatment of tender points. This is followed by understanding few common clinical conditions and how to treat them.
Calculating the total dosage to be administered in a single treatment session is of great importance. Also, we will be understanding the treatment of Acute and Chronic conditions and the clinical effects of laser light. We will cover a wide range of conditions including muscle injuries, nerve lesions, strains, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis to name a few for treatment.
Learning Objectives
- Learn how to use soft lasers in the treatment of traumatic joint injuries.
- Learn how to use soft lasers in the treatment of muscle injuries.
- Learn how to use soft lasers in the treatment of nerve lesions, degenerative conditions and muscular injuries.
Your Teacher
Raman Kapur
Dr Raman Kapur, MD medicine, Dipl. Acu. Beijing university, founder of Kapur Acupuncture Clinic and Institute of Acupuncture and Natural Medicine in New Delhi, is an internationally recognized Acupuncture practitioner, specializing in Pain management and Emotional health issues since 1982.
Continuing from where we left in Part 2 of our series, we discuss the treatment of muscular ailments ( myositis, myalgia etc.) and various odontological conditions successfully with lasers. This includes caries, pulpitis, gingivitis and dentine hyper aesthesia.
More clinical conditions like Maxillary sinusitis, TM joint arthritis, dermatological conditions and wound healing done successfully with lasers will be discussed. Thereafter, we discuss the treatment of ENT ailments with laser acupuncture. Some common neurological ailments including facial pain and post herpetic pain are also discussed in this webinar.
Learning Objectives
- Learn how to use soft lasers in sinusitis, jaw joint disease.
- Learn how to use soft lasers in Dental practice.
- Learn how tok use soft lasers in TM joint arthritis.
Your Teacher
Raman Kapur
Dr Raman Kapur, MD medicine, Dipl. Acu. Beijing university, founder of Kapur Acupuncture Clinic and Institute of Acupuncture and Natural Medicine in New Delhi, is an internationally recognized Acupuncture practitioner, specializing in Pain management and Emotional health issues since 1982.
In the concluding part of this very interesting and educational series on LASERS IN ACUPUNCTURE, we will cover the treatment of the spine including disc degeneration, spondylosis, sacroiliitis and ankylosing spondylitis. We will also explain in detail the protocol to be followed for treating an acute back pain, myogenic neck pains and headaches, and sciatica.
More common clinical conditions to be covered include Frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, osteoarthritis of hip and ankle, Achilles tendinitis etc. Some of the common condition in which lasers are used at Acupuncture points including migraine, anxiety etc will be explained. Finally , the choice of which LASER to use in clinical practice will be discussed in great detail.
Learning Objectives
- You will learn how to treat skin conditions with laser acupuncture including non healing wounds.
- Learn how to use soft lasers in treating back pain , neck pain, slipped disc, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow.
- Learn how to use soft lasers in treating other medical disorders.
Your Teacher
Raman Kapur
Dr Raman Kapur, MD medicine, Dipl. Acu. Beijing university, founder of Kapur Acupuncture Clinic and Institute of Acupuncture and Natural Medicine in New Delhi, is an internationally recognized Acupuncture practitioner, specializing in Pain management and Emotional health issues since 1982.
Treatment of Eye Diseases with Acupuncture - Course 1
Acupuncture for vision disorders
with Raman Kapur
The webinar will cover an understanding of the structure of the eye, the relationship between various organs and the eye, various causes of eye diseases, the important acupuncture points which affect the eyes, and treatment of degenerative eye diseases, glaucoma, myopia in children, and the micro acupuncture protocol recently developed to treat eye diseases.
Learning Objectives
- Learning to diagnose an eye disorder from the Acupuncture perspective.
- Special needling protocol for points around the eye.
- Micro Acupuncture points on palms and soles for treating eye diseases.
- Identifying Acupuncture points to treat that particular disorder.
Your Teacher
Raman Kapur
Dr Raman Kapur, MD medicine, Dipl. Acu. Beijing university, founder of Kapur Acupuncture Clinic and Institute of Acupuncture and Natural Medicine in New Delhi, is an internationally recognized Acupuncture practitioner, specializing in Pain management and Emotional health issues since 1982.