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Thomas Sorenson


I was introduced to acupuncture in 1996 while undertaking studies in Korean language and culture in Seoul, South Korea. One acupuncture treatment with a few needles on the opposite leg of the knee that I had injured during martial arts practice took away my knee pain instantly and completely. This experience changed my life around - from the first needle I had a new destination. I had to learn acupuncture.

After returning to Copenhagen, Denmark, from Korea, I started studying TCM. I went into private practice immediately after graduating, but didn’t find the TCM style of acupuncture a good match for me so I started looking at different styles of acupuncture and Japanese Meridian Therapy showed up on my radar. I was very fortunate to be accepted as a student of Ikeda Masakazu Sensei. He instilled in me a deep respect for the classics and showed me how to think in terms of basic principles and how to be pragmatic about them. I really owe him my practice.

Now I practice acupuncture based on Meridian Therapy diagnostic- and needling techniques, guided by the classics and incorporating the very powerful protocols of Korean Saam acupuncture. ...and after 17 years of practice I am still having fun in the clinic every day.

Courses by Thomas Sorenson

Pulse and Abdominal Maps of the SAAM Organ Pairs
Pulse and Abdominal Maps of the SAAM Organ Pairs
Thomas Sorenson
Thomas Sorenson

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