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Ryan Bemis


Ryan has over 25 years of experience working in community health and outreach. He learned about acupuncture while working in the addictions recovery field. In 2011, he moved from Portland to start the first-ever community acupuncture clinic in Las Cruces. In 2013 he turned Crossroads into a non-profit organization and donated the clinic to the newly formed Crossroads Community Supported Healthcare.

Ryan has worked as a policy and public health program consultant and advocate for the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association and other public health and addictions programs. He is certified as a supervisor for New Mexico behavioral health programs that utilize ear acupuncture. He also offers consultation, mentoring and coaching services for acupuncturists, doctors, therapists, and church leaders working within community clinics. He assists providers and administrators with project development, business planning, non-profit support, entrepreneurship as well as policy advocacy and legislative assistance.Ryan is a writer and a public speaker and educator. His writing has been published in America Magazine, Medicinal Roots Magazine, Latina Lista, Frontera List, AcuTake and J&M Reports. He is a regular presenter at national and international acupuncture and public health conferences. In 2018, he offered the keynote address at the commencement ceremonies for the graduating Master’s and Doctoral class at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine.

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