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Moshe Heller


Moshe Heller is a graduate of Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, San Diego. He is the former academic dean and chair of the department of oriental medicine at Pacific College, New York. Moshe has been practicing and teaching Chinese Medicine for the past 24 years. He taught at the Hebrew University, Medicine College, and the Israeli College of Complementary Medicine. He has been teaching Pediatrics at Pacific Collage, NY and developed a postgrad program for Chinese Medical Pediatrics and lectured at the Pacific Symposium in San Diego. Moshe currently maintains a busy practice in NYC.

Live Events with Moshe Heller


from April 21, 2020

Seasonal Pathologies in Children

Stephen Cowan
Stephen Cowan
Moshe Heller
Moshe Heller

Series by Moshe Heller

Pediatric Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine with JingShen Pediatrics
Pediatric Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine with JingShen Pediatrics
Moshe Heller
Moshe Heller
Stephen Cowan
Stephen Cowan
Diane Gioioso
Diane Gioioso
Robin Ray Green
Robin Ray Green
Gali Stoffman
Gali Stoffman
Thea Elijah
Thea Elijah
David Miller
David Miller

Courses by Moshe Heller

Supporting Children Through The Vaccination Process with Chinese Medicine
Supporting Children Through The Vaccination Process with Chinese Medicine
Moshe Heller
Moshe Heller
The Treatment of Allergies in Pediatrics
The Treatment of Allergies in Pediatrics
Moshe Heller
Moshe Heller
Pediatric Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine with JingShen Pediatrics - Course 1
Module 1: Essentials of Pediatric Acupuncture
Moshe Heller
Moshe Heller
Stephen Cowan
Stephen Cowan
Diane Gioioso
Diane Gioioso
Pediatric Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine with JingShen Pediatrics - Course 2
Module 2: Neuro-Gastro-Immune, Digestive, and Respiratory Systems
Moshe Heller
Moshe Heller
Stephen Cowan
Stephen Cowan
Robin Ray Green
Robin Ray Green
Pediatric Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine with JingShen Pediatrics - Course 3
Module 3: Respiratory, Dermatology, and Trauma in Pediatrics
Moshe Heller
Moshe Heller
Stephen Cowan
Stephen Cowan
Gali Stoffman
Gali Stoffman
Pediatric Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine with JingShen Pediatrics - Course 4
Module 4: Neurological and Psycho-Emotional Conditions in Pediatric Acupuncture
Moshe Heller
Moshe Heller
Stephen Cowan
Stephen Cowan
Thea Elijah
Thea Elijah
David Miller
David Miller
Pediatric Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine with JingShen Pediatrics - Course 5
Module 5: Difficult Diseases in Pediatrics
Stephen Cowan
Stephen Cowan
Moshe Heller
Moshe Heller

Knowledge Bytes by Moshe Heller



Stephen Cowan

Stephen Cowan

Moshe Heller

Moshe Heller

Ying Wei and the Immune System

Ying Wei and the Immune System

Stephen Cowan

Stephen Cowan

Moshe Heller

Moshe Heller

Tiger Warmer

Tiger Warmer

Stephen Cowan

Stephen Cowan

Moshe Heller

Moshe Heller

Mast Cell Activation Disorders

Mast Cell Activation Disorders

Stephen Cowan

Stephen Cowan

Moshe Heller

Moshe Heller

Finger Vein Diagnosis

Finger Vein Diagnosis

Stephen Cowan

Stephen Cowan

Moshe Heller

Moshe Heller

ADHD in Pediatrics

ADHD in Pediatrics

Stephen Cowan

Stephen Cowan

Moshe Heller

Moshe Heller

Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal Allergies

Stephen Cowan

Stephen Cowan

Moshe Heller

Moshe Heller

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