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Lillian Bridges


Renowned author and lecturer, Lillian Bridges is best known as the foremost authority on Face Reading and Diagnosis, introducing both it and Five Element Feng Shui to the West and bringing them back into the field of Chinese Medicine.

For over 30 years, she has taught Facial Diagnosis to both health practitioners and business people alike. She is the founder of The Lotus Institute, training students in her apprenticeship program and at continuing education courses at universities and colleges.

Lillian is a featured speaker at conferences, conventions, and symposiums around the world, and has been on numerous television and radio shows, and has written for many publications. A contributor to several books on Chinese Medicine, her own book, Face Reading in Chinese Medicine, is a best seller in the genre.

Live Events with Lillian Bridges


from April 12, 2020

Facial Diagnosis in Telemedicine

Lillian Bridges
Lillian Bridges

Courses by Lillian Bridges

Chinese Face Reading in Business
Chinese Face Reading in Business
Lillian Bridges
Lillian Bridges
Facial Diagnosis
Facial Diagnosis
Lillian Bridges
Lillian Bridges
Signs of Sexuality in Chinese Facial Diagnosis
Signs of Sexuality in Chinese Facial Diagnosis
Lillian Bridges
Lillian Bridges

Books by Lillian Bridges

book poster

Face Reading in Chinese Medicine,2e

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