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Leta Herman


Leta Herman is an Alchemical Healer, Chinese Medicine teacher, Podcast host of the Inspired Action Podcast, as well as author of Through the Mystery Gate, The Energy of Love, Connecting Your Circle, and The BIG “Little” Gua Sha Book. She is the founder of the Alchemy Healing Center, a very active Chinese Medicine clinic in Northampton, MA dedicated to helping clients find their true potential through Alchemical transformation. She is the driving force behind the new Alchemy Learning Center, offering online classes and live events related to The Five Elements, The Nine Palaces, and Alchemy.

She has immersed herself in the philosophies of Daoism, Alchemical Healing, and Chinese Medicine for over twenty years. She is a long-time student of Master Jeffrey Yuen, an 88th generation Daoist priest and Chinese Medicine master. She is also a graduate of Eliot Cowan’s Plant Spirit Medicine studies program and has studied intensively with well-known teachers and former students of J.R. Worsley, who brought Five Element Acupuncture to England in the 1960s. A Smith College graduate and past nationally syndicated journalist, Herman is a world explorer who speaks multiple languages, loves life, her family, and a challenging game of Boggle.

Courses by Leta Herman

Intro to Alchemy
Intro to Alchemy
Leta Herman
Leta Herman

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