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David Hartmann


David Hartmann lives in Brisbane, Australia and has been a practicing acupuncturist since 1997. He upgraded his qualifications with a Masters of Acupuncture in 2009, and has a PhD pending. David is the Module Leader for Chinese Classics at the Northern College of Acupuncture in York, UK. He has been a Head of the Chinese medicine department and lecturer at various schools since 2000.

David has written two textbooks on Chinese medicine – 'The Principles and Practical Application of Acupuncture Point Combinations' (published with Singing Dragon in 2020) and the 'Acupoint Dictionary 2e' (published with Elsevier in 2009).

David has presented at conferences and done his own stand-alone seminars in ten countries around the world. He also has online workshops with six different webinar companies internationally. David has published in journals and shares his research results in blog articles on his website.

Live Events with David Hartmann


from September 23, 2024

Case Studies for Mental & Emotional Imbalances - Part 2

David Hartmann
David Hartmann


from September 9, 2024

Case Studies for Mental and Emotional Imbalances - Part 1

David Hartmann
David Hartmann

Courses by David Hartmann

Acupuncture for the Treatment of Emotional Turmoil
Acupuncture for the Treatment of Emotional Turmoil
David Hartmann
David Hartmann
Acupuncture Point Combinations
Acupuncture Point Combinations
David Hartmann
David Hartmann
Acupuncture Point Combinations: The Master-Key to Great Clinical Results
Acupuncture Point Combinations: The Master-Key to Great Clinical Results
David Hartmann
David Hartmann
Treating the Five Spirits using the Eight Extraordinary Vessels
Treating the Five Spirits using the Eight Extraordinary Vessels
David Hartmann
David Hartmann

Knowledge Bytes by David Hartmann

Soul Tattoos and Shen Scars

Soul Tattoos and Shen Scars

David Hartmann

David Hartmann

The Hun-Po Axis: The Connection between Dreams and Reality

The Hun-Po Axis: The Connection between Dreams and Reality

David Hartmann

David Hartmann

Chinese Medicine Thoughts on Emotions

Chinese Medicine Thoughts on Emotions

David Hartmann

David Hartmann

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Recommended Courses

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