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Dan Bensky


Dan has a long-term interest in Chinese and Chinese medicine, having obtained a diploma in Chinese medicine from the Macau Institute of Chinese Medicine in 1975, a Masters in Classical Chinese from the University of Washington in 1996, and a Doctorate in the Discussion of Cold Damage from the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in 2006.

He also graduated with a Doctor of Osteopathy from Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1982, where he was a research assistant for John Upledger. He has studied with many notable osteopathic practitioners, including Robert Fulford and Jean-Pierre Barral.

In addition to teaching for both professions, he has been working on utilizing the connections between osteopathy and East Asian medicine for over thirty-five years. He is currently a medical editor at Eastland Press and has a private practice in Seattle.

Live Events with Dan Bensky


from May 17-18, 2020

51st TCM Kongress Rothenburg

Opening Day

Free Conference
This is a conference with many teachers to learn from!

Courses by Dan Bensky

Engaging Vitality - Course 1
Qi Signal Assessment
Dan Bensky
Dan Bensky
Engaging Vitality - Course 2
Point Location
Dan Bensky
Dan Bensky

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