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Listening is not easy.

And especially when it comes to medicine. It’s more common to have arguments than conversation. We have a position, a method, a process, or protocol. A theory to prop up, a brand that requires endless burnishing.

Listening is not hearing, and it’s not passive. If you look into the traditional form of the Chinese character for listen, you’ll see it’s made up of the characters for ear, eyes, and heart. It’s a multi-sensory experience. And there’s another twist, as the character for heartis also the character for mind.

Listening, then, is more than taking in the sound of the outside world; listening is also about the resonances struck with your inner world.

Our sound-byte, fragmented-attention world leaves little room for slow consideration, and the stance of “knowing” – especially in the world of medicine – has us more focused on protecting our domain and proving ourselves right than softening to another perspective that might make us question our own foundation.

Qiological is an invitation to glimpse into the workings of minds that might be quite different from your own. These discussions reveal and examine the landscape of East Asian medicine as it unfolds in our modern day.

For practitioners who are students of the medicine, and for students who seek the kind of experience not found in books, these discussions inquire into the intertwined threads that engage the tapestry of theory, practice, and the delight of endless learning.

We enter the stream of any tradition by learning from those who have come before, and we truly become part of a living tradition when we add our own voices and experiences.

Here, the perpetually curious find nourishment in the edge where beginner’s mind meets seasoned stability. Here, we value dialogue over debate, plurality over doctrine, and inquiry over answers. Here, we share an opportunity to listen into the currents – and undercurrents – of our rich and vibrant medicine, and to experience its vast complexity and connectedness.

Courses by Qiological

12 Channels of SAAM: Essential Qualities
12 Channels of SAAM: Essential Qualities
Kristin Wisgirda
Kristin Wisgirda
Acupuncture of Wandering Monks: Introduction to Saam Acupuncture
Acupuncture of Wandering Monks: Introduction to Saam Acupuncture
Toby Daly
Toby Daly
Anatomy of Meridian and Point Energetics
Anatomy of Meridian and Point Energetics
Thomas Sorenson
Thomas Sorenson
Deconstructing Point Combinations
Deconstructing Point Combinations
Toby Daly
Toby Daly
DIY SEO: How to Organically Get Your Website onto the First Page of Google
DIY SEO: How to Organically Get Your Website onto the First Page of Google
Michael Max
Michael Max
Engaging Vitality - Course 1
Qi Signal Assessment
Dan Bensky
Dan Bensky
Engaging Vitality - Course 2
Point Location
Dan Bensky
Dan Bensky
Face Reading for Acupuncturists
Face Reading for Acupuncturists
Juli Kramer
Juli Kramer
Frequency, Resonance and Vibration
Frequency, Resonance and Vibration
Brenda Hood
Brenda Hood
Illuminating Clinical Failures
Illuminating Clinical Failures
Toby Daly
Toby Daly
Interviewing from the Heart
Interviewing from the Heart
Toby Daly
Toby Daly
Introduction to the Heavenly Stems & Earthly Branches
Introduction to the Heavenly Stems & Earthly Branches
Deborah Woolf
Deborah Woolf
It’s in Their Head: Addressing Stagnant Qi in the Heads of Children
It’s in Their Head: Addressing Stagnant Qi in the Heads of Children
Rebecca Avern
Rebecca Avern
Maps and Terrains of Qi Anatomy
Maps and Terrains of Qi Anatomy
Brenda Hood
Brenda Hood
Organs and Meridians, An Integration of Meridian Therapy and SAAM
Organs and Meridians, An Integration of Meridian Therapy and SAAM
Thomas Sorenson
Thomas Sorenson
Practical Application of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians
Practical Application of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians
Thomas Sorenson
Thomas Sorenson
Practical Considerations for a Home Office
Practical Considerations for a Home Office
Michael Max
Michael Max
Pulse and Abdominal Maps of the SAAM Organ Pairs
Pulse and Abdominal Maps of the SAAM Organ Pairs
Thomas Sorenson
Thomas Sorenson
Qi Anatomy: Study of Heart Pain from the Systemic Classic of Acupuncture
Qi Anatomy: Study of Heart Pain from the Systemic Classic of Acupuncture
Brenda Hood
Brenda Hood
Revealing the Workings of the SAAM Acupuncture Tradition Through Case Study
Revealing the Workings of the SAAM Acupuncture Tradition Through Case Study
Toby Daly
Toby Daly
Saam Acupuncture Tradition: Focus on Gynecology
Saam Acupuncture Tradition: Focus on Gynecology
Toby Daly
Toby Daly
Saam Acupuncture: Draining Strategies and Bilateral Combinations
Saam Acupuncture: Draining Strategies and Bilateral Combinations
Toby Daly
Toby Daly
SAAM Point Location and Needle Protocols
SAAM Point Location and Needle Protocols
Toby Daly
Toby Daly
The Bright and the Dull: Eye Observation for SAAM Acupuncture
The Bright and the Dull: Eye Observation for SAAM Acupuncture
Kristin Wisgirda
Kristin Wisgirda

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