News & Events
Maryland Acupuncture Society ( soon to be renamed to Maryland Association of Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine) provides high quality Acupuncture Continuing Education Courses and works to promote acupuncture and Asian medicine, support and represent practitioners, and disseminate information
Live Webinars
Continuing Education News
For the FIRST TIME in 4 years, MAS is bringing back in-person courses. Join us for a unique 2 day course on Master Tung’s Magic Points. Points in Master Tung’s system are presented in depth with precise anatomical location, operative theory, indications, combinations, and case studies. Crystal Clear video footage of each point discussed in class will give you perfect comprehension of point location and needling techniques. This seminar is design for both beginning and advanced acupuncturists. You will be able to utilize the points immediately in your own clinical setting. Register using the link above. Make sure you are logged into the website. If you have no account go to the support menu and subscribe as a user, no need to join MAS.
Live Webinars and Recordings of them
A bundling system is being developed which will allow 3 distance learning classes based on the recent 3 webinar mental health series to be purchased at once for a special price.
MAAEAM Learning Management for CEU/PDA

Face Reading - Two Part series - Featured Distance Learning Course 4 PDA total

Part 1 (Telehealth) Was held Saturday November 7th, 2020. —
Part 2 (Facial Maps), was held February 20, 2020
Part 1 – 91 registered, 75 successfully attended, recording available at vimeo.com/ondemand/facereading1
Part 2 – 56 registered, 53 successfully attended, recording available at vimeo.com/ondemand/facereading2

Part 1 CEU/PDA certificates were emailed 11/14/2020. Part 2 CEU/PDA certificates emailed 3/1/2021. Use support on menu to inquire if you attended and did not receive one by email from NCCAOM.
Legislative Strategy and Professional Advocacy for Acupuncturists – Town Hall was held on January 18, 2024
Did you miss the town hall? The video presentation to the right can be watched by anyone, both those who attended and those wanted to attend but did not make it!
A great feature is the transcript button. click the button to see a transcript of the content.
An MAS town hall meeting was held on July 20, 2022
Did you miss the meeting? The video presentation has what went on Be sure to watch!
the Mori West Insurance Seminar was held on May 22-23, 2021
Did you miss the seminar? The video presentation to the right can be thought of as an introduction to Acupuncture Insurance. Be sure to watch!
Find A Practitioner
Information on the office locations of licensed acupuncturists who are members of the Maryland Association of Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine(MAAEAM) are available here. There are 2 ways to search:
- Use the office locator to find an acupuncturist with a selected distance of an address you enter.
- To find acupuncturists by name use the member directory.
Click on the profile picture or view details to see the complete profile. You can click on the member’s website for more information.
Join Us

Select Membership Level below and click “Next” at the bottom of the page.
Follow the Become A Member link to see the fees.
The renewal date for all memberships is:
- one year after your previous renewal date for existing members,
- one year after you first join for new memberships, or
- one year after you pay for lapsed membership
Frequently Asked Questions
What is acupuncture?
What is herbal medicine?
What does it treat?
What are the laws, rules, and regulations in our state?
How to apply and what is required for licensure?
How do I renew and what is required?
About Us

About The Maryland Association of Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine
The Maryland Association of Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine was formed as the Maryland Acupuncture Society (MAS) and was founded by a group of the first acupuncture practitioners in the state. The organization grew out of the joint effort to see legislation enacted that would permit acupuncturists to practice in Maryland. Since that time, MAS has participated in the founding of national organizations including the the American Association of Oriental Medicine (AAOM), and the Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance (AOMAlliance). Our membership has grown to include practitioners and students of diverse traditions. Progress in establishing ourselves at the state and national levels has given the society a voice that is heard and respected.