Online Gatherings for Community

In these challenging times, we have realized the immense potential the internet has to keep us together, keep us learning, and keep our morale high.

Now, more than ever, we need community.

In March, we reached out to teachers to see about scheduling free live webinars to support all of you who are stuck at home. The response was overwhelming, and so many felt the need to come and be a part.

We were able to schedule a FREE webinar EVERY DAY for over a month and a half! The events series is over now, but we have left the recordings up to freely register for.

We are humbled by this offering from these teachers, and we sincerely hope you can enjoy this rich learning resource.

Here's how to participate:

Step 1: Click here to create your account. Or Sign In if you already have one.

Step 2:Visit the "Discover" page, and register for as many recordings as you want! Everything's free!

Step 3: Share this page with friends.The more the merrier!


Here are the recordings you can register for:



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About {{ g.TeacherName }}


Click here to create your account. Or Sign In if you already have one.

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